It may seem strange when somebody asks you to prove you are still alive. But submitting a certificate of life or life certificate may be required for those who receive pensions and compensation payments from the compensation authority outside of Canada. It usually happens once a year, and in case you don’t provide the needed life certificate, there will be some obstacles to receiving your compensation payment. A life certificate is also called a certificate of life or a certificate of existence. A Toronto notary public or any other Canadian notary public must certify your signature on the life certificate.
What Is a Life Certificate?
Sometimes compensation authority, pension funds, or insurance companies request a life certificate or a proof of life document to ensure that the person is alive and qualified for the benefits. A life certificate must always be confirmed by a notary public to prove the recipient of the benefit is alive.
Who Can Seek Certifying Notary Public Services for A Life Certificate?
A life certificate needs to be signed and sealed by the person himself or herself. A nursing home administration or any other relatives’ certification won’t be acceptable.
When Should You Submit the Life Certificate?
It usually depends on the country or authority, which asks you to submit the life certificate. But the benefit recipient may need to provide this document every six months or once or twice a year for the intended organization.
Should You Have Your Life Certificate Notarized?
You must read the necessary instructions carefully to see if your form is required to be witnessed by a notary public or your identification to be checked. Your form can not be signed by a notary public if it needs a guarantor or witness to admit that they know the benefit recipient personally until two years or more.
Who Can Sign the Life Certificate Instead of the Beneficiary?
The holder of a valid power of attorney can sign the life certificate instead of the benefit recipient. Besides, a doctor’s medical confirmation needs to be attached to state that the person is alive but unable to sign the certificate him or herself. You only need to make sure that the organization that has requested the life certificate is in possession of the valid power of attorney. Learn more about the specific requirements and procedures for handling life certificates in such cases to ensure compliance with legal and administrative standards.
What to Do If a Notary Should Sign the Form?
The beneficiary has to go in-person to a notary office and sign the form under a notary’s supervision. He or she also needs to have a valid issued photo identification such as an ID card or passport. In case the life certificate needs a notary to confirm other information, you must have a valid identification that contains the intended information. For example, you should have your driving license with you since it proves the form’s information related to your address.
What Does the Notary Do for You?
A notary can review your identification and witness your signature if necessary. Besides, a notary fills out the notary field in your form and signs, dates, and places the notary seal on it.